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Finding time to relax, play, refresh, and reflect can be very challenging as an adult. In our time and culture, it's easy to live in a constant state of busyness and exhaustion. This type of routine creates a spiritual and mental environment that makes it more challenging to connect with God and refresh your soul. 


I lead retreats because they provide the opportunity for rest and renewal that so many of us need.  My desire for every retreat is that they truly become opportunities for you to encounter the living God and experience His transformational work in your life. I would love to talk with you about leading one of these retreat experiences for your group. 

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect

During this retreat, participants will explore the lives, challenges, imperfections, and accomplishments of Rahab, Naomi, and Ruth. As they learn about the potential each of these women possessed, and how God strengthened and empowered them, the participants will be lead into a greater understanding of their own potential and God's great love for them, even in the midst of their own imperfections and difficulties. 

Change the Storyline

Sometimes it can seem like our lives are headed in one unchangeable direction. During this retreat, we'll look at Esther and Jacob who both experienced a change in their seemingly unchangeable storylines due to their surrender and humility before God, and God's ability to do the impossible.


There are many "shiny" things in this world that captivate us and hold our attention. These things have a tendency to occupy most of our thoughts, energy, and focus. But what does it look like to be captivated by Christ? And how would being captivated by Him transform how we think and what we desire?

Everyone wants the abundant life, but do we know what that truly means? In our search for the abundant life, many of the wells we draw from simply cannot provide the type of abundance our souls truly thirst for. During our time together, we’ll consider what types of wells we are drawing from to find satisfaction, purpose and fulfillment, and how we can draw from a deeper well in order to live the abundant life Christ desires for us.

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